Submission Guidelines and Editing Process

As a publication, we strive to facilitate growth throughout our editing process. We aim to push content to its best form through guided editorial feedback, several rounds of editing, and clear communication. Beyond this, though, we recognize the vulnerability and intentionality of our contributors when they submit pieces. In honoring the work and reflections of our contributors, we center collaboration between our editors and contributors at all stages. What we hope this process results in is a piece that both our contributors and editors can be proud of.

Below are the guidelines for submitted pieces and an outline of our editing process. If you have any general questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to or the Editor-in-Chief Fiona Stewart at We look forward to working with you!


• There is a minimum word count of approximately 1,200 words for all sections other than Arts and Fiction/Poetry. 

• Please submit all pieces as Google Drive documents through this form. Word documents are also accepted, but please no PDFs.

• Submissions longer than 8 pages will be split into multiple parts at your discretion.

Editing Process

• Once the piece has been received, there is a primary round of editing by the section editor (e.g. fiction pieces are edited by The Review’s Fiction/Poetry Editor). These edits primarily concern content, structure, argument, and flow.

• Following primary edits, there is a round of secondary edits made by an editor outside of the piece’s section (e.g. The Review’s Music Editor may occasionally edit a fiction piece). These edits also primarily concern content, structure, argument, and flow, but also focus on copy editing.

• Finally, there is a round of copy editing that corrects any syntax, grammatical, or spelling errors. All pieces are then reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and published the following day.

All rounds of editing are collaborative. We work with you to integrate our edits and suggestions without sacrificing your voice.

• Typical turn-around for pieces is 4-7 days, depending on the state of the piece. We will work with contributors at all stages of the creative process, including drafting or brainstorming.